One of the most actionable uses for Twitter marketing is data analysis of Tweets. You could hire someone who will look for marketing trends based on results Google turns up in their search results for related themes that are trending or you can go straight to the source– where people are talking real-time– and analyze sentiment and awareness about topics.
Social Marketing and Analysis Services, 2016
The person managing your account for marketing via Twitter in 2016 must know data analysis. Four years ago the job was more for an English or communications specialist who focused on marketing content creation for social channels with soft marketing skills. Today, the expert you want will know how to crunch data from your competitors’ efforts, often directly from the Twitter firehose to find common and related themes. Connecting to the Twitter firehose—and API giving access to data—may not be something a good writer or marketer has in their skill set. Twitter is fodder for data scientists and analysts. With the right access to their data, they provide more information about public web data than a paid subscription to a search tool like SEMrush.
Top Twitter Marketing Consultants
The above qualifications need to be judged alongside stats you see about an advisor you might hire. Follow to follower ratio is telling. Be sure your prospective Twitter account manger is not using bot followers to inflate follower numbers! There’s no easy way to find this unless you have advance social media analytics software, which you probably don’t if you’re looking to hire someone for social management . Put the burden on the prospective Twitter consultant! Let him or her prove that they are engaged with influencers. If there “proof” looks fuzzy, lose that person.
You need to think about who follows them. Is it a great ratio showing a high social klout or other “expertise” score? Does it matter to you if the pros following them are social experts but not knowledgeable in YOUR vertical? Yes. If a your Twitter services manager is followed by thousands of digital media professionals, those people can amplify your consultants message. They will expect the same amplifications (in the form of re-tweets and favoring tweets) from your guy/gal, but if the content is high quality everyone benefits. If your business is being promoted on Twitter and is a sham, well you should probably turn to Twitter account services that also uses sham tricks to build awareness: generally a #fail formula.
Marketing and sales employees can use their personal Twitter accounts to engage prospects and thought leaders, but sometimes they need to send messages from their well-known employer account to be recognized. The company branded account needs to follow and unfollow aggressively while curating useful content to leverage its existing brand equity. Take advantage of twitter marketing services from consulting pros; implementing the strategy requires significant experience. One of Twitter’s greatest strengths for businesses is its use for relationship building. Facebook and Google Plus have one key disadvantage: they don’t let brands follow or communicate with individuals unless they are liked or followed first.
Twitter allows business development professionals to connect via their company account, to reach out; in the same way LinkedIn lets them make connections effectively through introductions from connections. Some companies have greater advantage than others. If you work in a small niche, your branded, company account can following those that follow your competitors—in big numbers— and discover new marketing prospects, both in BtoC and BtoB. In a sense, this involves data mining accounts on Twitter. If you set out to do the mining of information on Twitter yourself, be careful. This week, Twitter got tougher on how they control services offered by third party applications accessing their website.
If you are a local business, some social media account managers can provide the marketing services to find your largest national competitors customers, and limit a follow list for your marketing to those in your local area. If you own a used car dealership, can you think of a better way to engage prospective customers than to find the most popular national twitter accounts selling cars online, and then engage only the individuals following them that are in your city? The key is to start a conversation with them and see if you can provide free advice. You can convert them from online buyers to customers who want shop offline, at your dealership.